Some events offer the possibility to pay for your tickets in instalments, this method is referred to as a instalment plan. When selecting this payment method, you will only receive the confirmation email once all the instalments have been paid for. If you wish to change the card used for the payment, please contact one of our agents via the contact form.
By agreeing to our Terms and Conditions:
- You agree to pay for the total amount of the ticket shown on the ticket shop, which is split into instalments and conditioned by monthly deadlines.
- You authorise See Tickets to charge the first instalment amount directly to your credit card. All the next instalments will also be deducted from the same credit card in their due time.
- You agree to pay the instalments in a timely manner. Should you not pay before the deadline, See Tickets has the right to cancel your order and could charge you a penalty fee on behalf of the organiser.
Please note: The amounts per instalment, number of instalments and instalment periods vary per event. This information will be clearly provided to you during the ordering process.
The first instalment of your instalment plan is non-refundable and will be kept as penalty fee. If you would like to cancel your instalment plan, the refund of your remaining paid instalments will depend on the organisation's refund policy.
Important Information: Exception Organizer based in the United Kingdom
If you use the payment method ‘Instalment Plan’ for the purchase of tickets for events
organised by an organiser who is based in the United Kingdom and you do not meet your
payment obligation on time, your right to a refund lapses and no refund will be made for any instalment(s) already paid by you.