Which aids/tools are not allowed?
For safety reasons, scootmobiles, folding chairs or stools are not allowed at the festival site. In every corner of the festival, you can find plenty of places to sit or rest and relax.
Do you have doubts about the accessibility in your circumstances? Please let the organization know by mailing them at toegankelijkheid@bestkeptsecret.nl, so they can give you advice.
Toilets for Visitors with a Disability
Next to the First Aid post, you can find a special toilet for visitors with a disability.
Wheelchair Platforms
Best Kept Secret’s two biggest stages have visibility platforms, which are exclusively meant for wheelchair users. Every wheelchair user can take one companion with them on the visibility platform: this does not have to be the same person every time of course. If the platform gets too crowded, the festival staff may ask the companions to leave the platform.
Assistance Dogs
It is (legally) allowed to take your assistance dog to the festivalgrounds, but we want to stress that the festival is not an animal-friendly environment because of the crowds, amplified music and light effects. This accords with the advice of KNGF Geleidehonden: ‘We are not in favour of taking assistance dogs to festivals, concerts and other places with crowds and loud noises. The dog can’t do its job and loses its guiding function.’
For more information please check the FAQ of Best Kept Secret.