Paylogic processes personal data for event organizers and is therefore considered a "processor" within the meaning of the GDPR. The organizer is always the owner of personal data and is considered the "processor" within the meaning of the GDPR. Paylogic will process your personal data exclusively for the organizer.
Paylogic processes your personal data in its back office. The organizer - as owner of the data - has access to these data for the provision of its services. Paylogic reasonably assumes that the organizer, on its part, complies with privacy laws. The ultimate responsibility rests with the organizer. Paylogic cannot be held responsible for any failure of the organizer with respect to its own (legal) obligation(s). Also for this reason, ticket holders should familiarize themselves with the event organizer's privacy regulations. These can usually be accessed or requested via the relevant event organization's website.
If you would like more information, the privacy policy can be found here.