Did you request a voucher for your order of a postponed or cancelled event?
After requesting it you should have received an email confirming your choice. If you have not, please check here to see if you can request it again. After you've submitted your request, it might be approved automatically, or it might take a few weeks. Once approved you will receive an email with the voucher code. If you have lost the email, you can request it again here.
In case you want to change your original request (from donation, refund request or voucher) to a different request (to donation, refund request or voucher), you need to fill in the voucher tool again.
Keep in mind that different events might have different options regarding offering a refund, donation or voucher. The options that are available are shown in the voucher tool once you fill in your order number and mail address. You can find the link for the voucher tool here!